Two weeks after coming back from china, here are some of my pictures. More posts as well as a photo gallery will also be following shortly.
First stop on the China trip was Beijing. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect of China before I got there, but when I arrived in Beijing as was able to explore the city some I was surprised at some of the things I saw. I was occasionally shocked at how big and beautiful the place actually was and how friendly some of the people were, but then again saw things that made me realize that this is not one of the cleanest or most modern of countries as well. The food was delicious and cheaper than you could ever imagine. Most of the prices of goods as well were super cheap, although as a foreigner you will always get a foreigners price. The main tourist attractions, given that they were very tourist oriented, were overall very nice but were mainly crowed with the millions of other tourists. Surprisingly though, most were Chinese tourists who took my picture at any opportunity they had.

Matt. My partner in crime.. I mean travel.

Typical everyday Chinese people.

Me, Mao Zedong, and my rent-a-bike that took me exploring all around the city for a few days.

The Great Wall of China at Bataling. We spent the good part of a day climbing up to both ends of the wall.

Of course we saw the Chinese acrobats show. Tip, get to the place 5 minutes before show starts, buy the cheapest tickets, and you may get placed in the very front row
The things the performers do seem even more amazing when up close.

Tiananmen Square. Much fun was had here as well.

The Temple of Heaven. A must see if going to Beijing as it is the most famous and recognizable of all Chinese temples.