- - - 2/7/2005 - - -

Ghibli Museum

Filed under: — Andy @ 6:27 am

Recognize this character from Laputa? I went to the Ghibli museum on Sunday, and honestly I was somewhat disappointed. I made sure to watch all of Hayao’s movies before I went but the museum did not really do them justice. There were a few interesting things but overall not worth the excessive amount of time I spent there. Afterwards I took a walk through the neighboring Inokashira park. I’ve always wanted to visit the park and was glad I finally went there. However, I still think that Koganei park is a bit nicer. I then went to Shinjuku and met a friend for dinner. We went to this really nice and slightly expensive Japanese restaurant. A good discussion and some good food made the day much better. Oh, and the fact that I set a new personal record by killing 10 Japanese people in a row at Tekken :)