- - - 7/27/2008 - - -

Cops and Robbers in Odaiba

Filed under: — Andy @ 6:44 am

My friend started a new group: CPFA (Childs Play For Adults). The point is to go out and, even though we are adults, play games and have fun like children. A big group of us meet up in Odaiba to play Cops and Robbers. If you dont remember the game is a variation of tag where half the members, the cops, chase down and try to tag the other half, the robbers. If a robber is tagged he goes to jail. However, if another robber sneakily makes it past to cops to the jail he can free the imprisoned robbers. Although I sometimes play tag at my Elementary schools, I am much faster than most of the kids and its not much of a challenge. Playing in a large park with trees, bushes, hiding places, etc. with people of my own age is also very fun. I look forward to the next event.

The CPFA group.

in Odaiba.

Resting between games in the shade of the prison.

Going home exhausted after running around in the heat all day.