- - - 10/19/2004 - - -


Filed under: — Andy @ 8:43 pm

My friend got a new toothbrush and I thought it was funny:


  1. no comprendo

    Comment by けん — 10/19/2004 @ 9:35 pm
  2. Does it vibrate?

    Comment by Lawrence — 10/20/2004 @ 4:51 am
  3. 私も分からない

    Comment by ジョシュワ — 10/20/2004 @ 3:23 pm
  4. dr. bee young. as in be young. Doubtful it vibrates, but it probably buzzes. To fully grok it one must had to have been presently situated in the equilateral tempus and gynicologic location.

    Comment by けん — 10/20/2004 @ 9:00 pm
  5. or just had to bee there

    Comment by けん — 10/20/2004 @ 9:00 pm
  6. and andy told us all what he had plotted and schemed, that busy little bee. Or else I shall strike down those he loved, and he shall watch as I bathe in their blood. haha narf. navy computers are funny. they don’t display your banner nor colors, and the fonts are HUGE. the task bar is the size of florida’s pan handle. I feel like fixing it, but they’re watching. watching and keystroke recording. watching, recording, and blocking as much technology as possible from me. Yet somehow within a week a novice user will unwittingly unleash a trojan horse and down the flight schedule services causing the worst delay in aviation training since hurricane Ivan. Wow this got long. I would have posted on my site, but then someone will link it to me and I’d end up with a stupid call sign like "Internet-man”

    Comment by Hail Ceasar Kenodus — 10/22/2004 @ 8:56 pm
  7. its 0545 and my brain isn’t working. Only 1.25 hrs to go. Should I keep studying?
    "without a doubt”
    Damn you, magic 8 ball!

    Comment by Hail Ceasar Kenodus — 10/23/2004 @ 3:44 am
  8. I also asked if the toothbrush was funny, and it said something i can’t remember anymore, but was along the lines of yes. I’m driving home at mach 3. "You can’t go mach 3 in a toyota!” But I was shaving with a mach 3, and if you think, you’re dead.

    Comment by Hail Ceasar Kenodus — 10/23/2004 @ 3:51 am

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