- - - 5/21/2022 - - -

Chiba Rice Field Planting

Filed under: — Andy @ 7:20 am

We took a 3 day trip to visit friends in Chiba and to help plant a rice field. Our friend in Chiba was running for city office, so one of the main goals of the first day was helping her with the campaign (She made it into office). The following day was a rice field planting event. Kids and adults both helped plant the rice, although the kids had more fun catching tadpoles, frogs, other insects just and playing in the mud. The last day was spent relaxing with the friends in the morning before heading off to the beach and a really nice cafe. Finally after a short hike to the lookout point we headed back home.

Planting rice

Playing in the mud

Tyler was unsure of the mud at first, but enjoyed it when all the other kids were there.

The kids having a nice discussion

Enjoying the beach

Excellent beach side cafe

Looking out over Kamogawa


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