Top of the Rock Wall
Last weekend I went out with a new friend of mine. I was telling him that I used to go to a climbing gym in Okinawa and he was interested. So he took me to a rock climbing wall located at a nearby outlet mall. It wasnt an actual gym, but a giant boulder with many climbing routes inside a sporting goods store. He went first, but unfortunately couldnt make it all the way up. I was next and although I havent been climbing for a while made it all the way to the top
. We also saw the new Indiana Jones movie at the movie theater conveniently located at the outlet mall as well. I cant remember the last time I payed $18 for a movie ticket… Movies in Okinawa were cheap thanks to Ken
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They now have such walls at some large sporting goods stores in the USA. This one is the biggest I have seen indoors. Looks way too steep and difficult.
Comment by louis — 6/23/2008 @ 11:25 pmisn’t the USA lawsuit crazy and therefore would be too afraid to have such things?
Comment by Ken — 6/24/2008 @ 2:52 amI wonder how much it is in the US?
Comment by Andy — 6/30/2008 @ 3:53 am