- - - 2/23/2009 - - -

Broken Bone

Filed under: — Andy @ 12:46 am

Yes, I broke my second bone in Japan.

It was the final snowboard run of the day and, despite the sun going down and the snow turning to ice, I decided to go for one last big air. I dont remember how I landed, I just remember that when I got up my wrist hurt. The next day, after all day of kids jumping on me at work, I went to get an x-ray. I had a very small crack in my left radius, so they put a cast on my arm :( but I am only going to have to wear it for 2 weeks.

On a strange note… Chris, one of the people in my group also injured his arm on the snowboarding trip. In fact, he has the exact same broken left wrist, and now the same exact cast on his left arm as well. Interesting coincidence…


  1. Wow! Oh my god!

    Comment by Eiji — 2/23/2009 @ 2:37 pm
  2. ouch, avoid ice

    Comment by lou — 2/25/2009 @ 8:07 pm

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