- - - 8/4/2012 - - -

Cate Cafe in Yokohama

Filed under: — Andy @ 4:14 am

The girlfriend said she wanted to hold a cat… After failing to catch some local strays I searched for some cat cafes nearby.


  1. What do they serve in cat cafes (besides cats)?

    Comment by momcat — 8/12/2012 @ 4:25 pm
  2. Tea or juice.
    Sometimes small sweets as well.

    Comment by Andy — 8/13/2012 @ 12:11 am

    Comment by Emily — 8/14/2012 @ 5:31 am
  4. U were tryin to force an urban ferral feline into fingers for ur friend? Wat if it had flesh eatn bac, or F coli, wich all know is four times as foul as E coli.
    No neko nabe?

    Comment by Ken — 8/18/2012 @ 3:44 am

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