- - - 11/11/2004 - - -

Nikko in Autumn

Filed under: — Andy @ 8:57 pm

Living in a desert for most of my life (Los Angeles), I rarely ever saw fall colors. The closest thing I got was a small maple tree in the front of my house that seemed to turn brown and shed all its leaves in the winter. However, in Japan I made sure to go out and see the famous fall colors that are abundant here. I took yet another trip out to Nikko to stroll among the wonderful colors. Truthfully, pictures could not capture the colors that I saw, but here are some that I took anyway.

This monkey did not like me taking pictures of him. This was right before he charged at me. The monkeys in Nikko can be dangerous, but since I have been to Nikko many times I know how to deal with them. I took a violent step toward the monkey and held up my rock throwing arm… the monkey immediately turned and ran.
Monkey: 0 - Andy: 1
